Photos from Australian Seniors Championships, Adelaide, January 2009

Neville, our flag bearer


Spot the celebrity at the opening

Geoff & friends


Country cousins

Aussie reps from Qld


Coral & Adrian - State dinner

The Three Chillies perform their magic


Good times at the opening

Picturesque Tranmere Park


Some tennis was played

The Hockings at the State dinner


The President & the Queen's mum (aka Coral)

Max & Gail - State dinner


Murray in a quiet moment


The Wynnum clan at the State dinner


Janelle Ian & Mel

Dancing the night away - Presentation dinner


Mother & Daughter

The Meg & Ray show


Mike & Helen


A family affair


The McLellans

The President with a Savage butcher


Janeale & Wendy

All elegance & style at the Presentation Dinner


Enid Besant-Ryan (NSW President) with "our" trophy