John S Walker - Profile


As John has been elected President of Tennis Seniors Queensland for 2006/07, it is fitting that members learn a little bit more about our leader.


  • Born in Central North Island of New Zealand 65 years ago.

  • Land Surveyor – Registered in New Zealand, Australia & Hong Kong – now retired

  • Played junior tennis (and many other sports) in Hamilton, NZ for about 15 years provincial; NZ Junior championships & NZ Championships from 1960 to 1964

  • Switched to squash in 1963 and played in NZ, Australia & Hong Kong till 1998

  • Joined Gold coast Seniors Tennis Club in 2000 and played Teams Events at Australian Championships on Gold Coast 2004 & Newcastle 2005

  • On Hamilton Tennis Club Committee from 1954 to 1964;  Hamilton Squash Club Committee from 1963 to 1967

  • Came to Australia in 1968 and departed for Hong Kong in 1981

  • On Hong Kong Squash Committee from 1983 to 1999

  • On Board of Directors, Kowloon Cricket Club from 1983 to 1990

  • Other interests - golf