Where's Wally?

(posted Feb 2007)

There was a very common question being asked of Queenslanders at the recent National Championships in Perth: "Where's Wally?" 


Wally Teis had been an integral part of Seniors Tennis and Queensland teams contesting National Championships for as long as anyone can remember.  So it was something of a tragedy when, with just a week to go, Wally was ruled out of the 2007 quest by his own doctor because of a simple but serious leg infection.  Needless to say, Wally was not his usual jovial self when he was confined to a hospital bed in Toowoomba while his team-mates did battle without him in Perth.


But just to prove that you can't keep a good man down, we have news that Wally is alive and well.  In fact he was recently seen celebrating his 60th birthday with friends at the Toowoomba Tennis Association's clubhouse.  Happy birthday Wally from all your friends in Tennis Seniors Queensland.


Wally Teis turns 60