The TSQ Championships, an ITF sanctioned (Grade 3) tournament, attracted record entries of 350+ from within Australia and Overseas. Considering the disappointing wet weather experienced on Saturday (no play possible at all) and Sunday, the Tournament Director, Gail Bates must be congratulated for her organisation and skill in managing to complete all the singles events within the weekend. A special thanks to Gail’s offsiders Coral and Nev Vickers who were a great help during the championships. Thanks also goes to John S Walker, Graham Brown, Alan Hocking and Paul Donovan who manned court venues over the week-end.

A special "thank you" to all those competitors who persevered on Sunday evening playing their singles events under lights on the damp courts. Well done Mike Golds for your hard work drying the court surfaces off sufficiently to enable play to proceed!!!!

Sadly some large doubles events, (24 pairs in the 60+ mens doubles and 19 pair in the 50+ mens doubles!!!) scheduled for the courts at Miami were cancelled due to the wet weather, although play was possible on Sunday on the courts at Burleigh Heads, Emerald Lakes, Queens Park, and the Gold Coast Highway. Hopefully the "weather gods" will smile on us again in 2009.

The 20,000 plus runners in the Gold Coast marathon must have been as upset with the rain on that Sunday morning as all our tennis players!!!

Gail Bates with members of her tournament team

Breakdown of players:- ACT 5; Japan 3; NZL 31; NSW 56; QLD 223; SA 8; Tas 5; Vic 20;
It was very pleasing to welcome our friends from New Zealand and Japan once again, especially Dick Garrett with his "new knee" (no tennis or Hakas on that yet) and all those from around Australia who travelled such long distances to compete in the Championships.

The complete results are on the website, a couple of results (involving our State players) stand out. John Burness, formerly of Tweed Heads and now living in Roma, won the 55+ event after defeating the 2nd and 3rd seeds in the quarters and semi final rounds and then last years winner, Gary Oliver (NZL) the top seed in the final.

Top seeds Jamie White 35+, Chris O'Mara 40+ and Glenn Hamilton 45+ won their respective events and Phil Higgs from ACT defeated David Hawkes (NZL) the 60+ final. Another "Kiwi", Peter Hampton defeated Bruce Osborne(Vic) in the 50+ event, while Peter Froelich beat Tony Harkin (NSW) in the 70+ and Max Byrne (Tas) won the 75+ defeating Nev Langford.

The 35/40 womens event was won by newcomer to seniors Carolyn Campbell (NSW) who defeated Julie Dybendahl in the final and Brenda Foster (NSW) defeated Wanda Clothier (Vic) in the 45+ event. Wendy Gilchrist, making a welcome return to seniors tennis won the 55/60+ defeating Carol-Anne Robinson after surviving a close match with No.1 seed, Helen Worland (NSW) in her semi-final. Judy Hancy (Vic) returning from a knee injury defeated left-hander Bev Evans (NZL) in the 65/70+ womens event.

The sunshine returned on Monday afternoon and all the mixed doubles events were completed without incident after the singles finals (much to the relief of the organisers)!! Hearty congratulations are extended to all winners and a sincere "thank you" to every single person who attended our Championships. Sadly, some players incurred injuries or aggravated "old problems" during their events and it was noted the "massage tent" seemed to be frequently busy!! Speedy recovery to all those adversely affected and we look forward to next year’s event in the hope that, once again, we will be favoured with beautiful weather!! Good tennis and good luck!!