John S Walker





To open this report on our activities for the year I would like to announce that on 5 August 2008 Tennis Seniors Australia (TSA) formally asked Tennis Seniors Queensland (TSQ) to HOST the Australian Seniors Tennis Carnival in 2010. This has happened because our friends in Tasmania, for a number of reasons, are unable to host as scheduled. Your Executive have accepted the task, a Tournament Committee has been formed and the event will be held on the Gold Coast from 9 to 22 January 2010 with the Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club and Miami Grass Club as Headquarters. I would like to thank Rob Newton, Ray West and their Committees for allowing TSQ to use their great centres for the Championships and would ask all TSQ members to record these dates in your "calendar" now and get behind the event to try and make it even better than our very successful effort in 2004!!! Please consider any request made for your assistance and volunteer your time for any job you can handle during the period.


This is my second year as your President and I feel there has been some progress made by both your representatives and our players.


All of you who read the Tennis Seniors Newsletter would have noted the February 2008 issue highlighted the excellent performances of our 17 teams in the Teams Event at the Australian Championships in Wodonga. Our fine band of players managed to pip New Zealand, albeit by a narrow margin, to WIN the overall average and reclaim The Australian Teams Trophy. Well done Queensland!!


The State has won this trophy on a number of other occasions, ie.1989, 1997, 2000, 2001 and 2003 however it was a "first" for me and for a number of others too. Let’s hope we can repeat this result in Adelaide next year.


The second particularly noteworthy occasion (recorded on the back page of that newsletter) was the award of the Australia Day Sports Medal made to our tireless and hard working Secretary Coral Vickers. The Lord Mayor of Brisbane announced this richly deserved recognition of Coral’s contribution to tennis in his 2008 Australia Day Awards. I am sure all members join me in saying "Congratulations Coral".


I believe our great game has progressed within the State this year through our network of Clubs and Associations, mainly due to the hard work their Committee's undertake on our member’s behalf and we are achieving our stated aim of: "Creating a friendly and sociable atmosphere for any player who is aged 35 or over through the promotion of Senior’s tennis,"


Highlights of the past Year:-


Australian Tennis Seniors Championships held in Wodonga, Victoria

My thanks are extended to the 74 men and 30 women who travelled to Albury / Wodonga to compete in the Teams Events. We had a total of 17 teams who all performed very well to achieve the great result mentioned above. The Team Captains should be thanked for their efforts too as it is not an easy job to keep everyone in a team happy. Two Centres, with real grass courts, were the main venues for matches during the first week while the Wodonga Centre was Headquarters for the Individual Events.


The courts were generally very good considering the severe drought conditions all Australia experienced leading into the event. Heavy rain, on "practise day" and more rain on the Monday saw a number of first round teams matches abandoned, however, the weather after that was "quite acceptable" with no really hot days. The courts improved daily and became more firm as the carnival progressed. Everyone I had spoken to before Wodonga said the weather "was always hot down there" but I did not find it unpleasant this year!!! Sadly there were a number of complaints from players regarding the teams event. In fairness the Victorian Seniors were hampered not only by the early wet weather but simply by the lack of team numbers!! There were only 107 teams entered (compared with the “usual total” entry of 130 to 150+) which forced them to "combine age groups" and take other measures which proved to be unpopular!!! Some of the complaints were aired at the Annual General Meeting, an unusual venue from my point of view. However, TSA Secretary Carl Anjou, answered the points raised quite frankly and quite well too.


Our State Flag Bearer at the opening ceremony was Coral Vickers, and all those who went along decked out in their State or Australian uniforms seemed to enjoy the occasion.


Hearty congratulations are extended to all winners of individual events as detailed on our website. A special mention should be made of the efforts of Chris O'Mara from Toowoomba who won the 40+ singles and doubles and was runner-up in the 35+ mixed too, Peter Froelich from the Gold Coast who won the 70+ singles and doubles (again) and Graham Brown with his partner Alan Hocking who won both the 75+ doubles and the 150+ combined doubles.


Congratulations and best wishes are extended to the 14 Queenslanders who have been selected, following the Individual Events, to represent Australia in the ITF World Seniors and Super Seniors Championships, to be held in Turkey during October 2008:- Jill Taylor (65+) Joy Rigter (70+) Chris O'Mara (40+) Mike Ford (50+) Max Bates (55+) Terry McLellan and Lee Taylor (60+) Ian Macdonald and Kevin Crump (70+) Neville Langford, Alan Hocking and Graham Brown (75+) Neville Halligan and Neale Hook (80+) Since these selections were made our Vice President, Alan Hocking, has had to withdraw for hip surgery. He is now recovering very well and assures us he will be ready for more tennis action in Adelaide. Congratulations are also extended to Michael Russell, from Brisbane, who has recently been selected to fill a vacancy in the 40+ Trabert Cup team for Turkey.


For a full summary of the results for the Teams and Individual Events please check the web sites and


The Queensland State Dinner, held on the first Monday evening of the Championships was very well attended with close to 100 people there. The numbers really tested the catering skills of the Albury Club Staff. It was a good night and a big thank you must be extended, once again, to our Secretary, Coral Vickers and her small band of helpers who organised a great occasion for us. Alan Hocking used his "family connections" to secure the Albury Club as a venue. The Club was quite traditional, close to town, really nice and the Manager and staff were very helpful too. Coral compiled a list of "new attendees" which I used and this resulted in several people renewing old friendships with others they had not seen for many years. Good food and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all though the late registrants did cause some minor catering problems. (Lesson:- Would everyone please register early for the State dinner in Adelaide next year!!)


Your Executive attended the 39th Annual General Meeting of Tennis Seniors Australia which was held on 23 January 2008 at the Three Monkeys Tavern. Many matters of interest were discussed and for those of you who are interested the full minutes of the meeting are posted on the Tennis Seniors website,


Three Queenslanders were appointed National Selectors at the AGM and we congratulate Mike Ford, Neville Langford and Marilyn Davis on their achievements in this important area.


Recently members would have received notice and an entry form for the Australian Seniors Championships to be held in Adelaide from 12 to 23 January 2009. I would encourage all members, particularly the ladies, to consider entering as Tennis Seniors South Australia are making a really big effort to cater for all standards of players there, especially in the Team Events.


In June 2008 Graham Brown and I attended a one day "State Presidents and Treasurers Meeting" held in Melbourne with representatives of Tennis Australia (TA) in attendance. Many matters of concern were addressed, especially the current financial position of TSA. As some members may know TA has recently changed their supplementary funding of TSA and this has caused quite a few problems especially for our World Championship Teams Representatives who now have to fund a far greater portion (virtually all) of their expenses from their own pockets. This is not at all satisfactory as it can place a very real burden on those selected to represent their Country!! As I write this report this situation for the Representatives has not improved, however, for the "rank and file members" some initiatives TA plan to adopt "within the near future" appear to be very good.


Currently TSQ and TQ are "in discussions" about a "Memorandum of Understanding" agreement in which TQ will assist TSQ with a very substantial part of our administration costs and there should be only one affiliation fee payable by everyone in Queensland, that is Tennis Queensland's fee!!!. This will also enable all affiliated TQ members over 35 years of age to be “made aware” of all the Seniors events and, subject to some conditions, they may join in our tournaments and many other things. Of course full and final details are still to be worked out, however, I believe, an agreement would mark a real step forward in the resolution of some matters which cause our members concern.


Our State Championships held in July 2008 at the Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club were sadly interrupted by "inclement weather conditions". This is a polite way of saying it poured with rain on Saturday and part of Sunday which forced the cancellation of a number of doubles events on these days. Gail Bates, our Tournament Director, did a great job in managing the event and working out ways to complete all the singles events disrupted by the bad weather. The players are to be thanked too for their co-operation. We had record entries again this year with 350+ which is more than there were in the individual events at Wodonga. See our website for a full report on the event and the complete results. Congratulations are extended to all the winners and my thanks go to all those who entered. Please come again next year the weather is bound to be better!!


This year's Senior of the Year was Mr Alan Searle from Bundaberg, a very worthy winner. The presentation to Alan was made in October 2007 following our AGM in Toowoomba and everyone agreed he thoroughly deserves this recognition. His contribution to tennis in the Bundaberg area is widely recognised and he is a great character both on and off the court. Sadly the Bundaberg Tournament in 2008 experienced wet weather again for the third year in succession. Alan's comment attached to my refund cheque was "so much for global warming and the drought!!"


At the Tennis Queensland Presentation Dinner, held in November 2007, Max Bates was awarded the Senior “Player of the Year” trophy for the second year in a row. Max is a fine player who has represented Queensland and Australia with great distinction at the Australian and World Seniors Championships for many years and he has won the World Teams event in his age group on many occasions as well. Well done Max.


At the same event our Vice President, Alan Hocking, received Tennis Queensland’s “Geoffrey E. Griffith Order of Merit”, again a reward richly deserved. Congratulations to you both.

In September 2008 TSQ will conduct the “Sunshine Coast Seniors Championships” an ITF Seniors Circuit Grade 4 event at the Tewantin Tennis Club, McKinnon Drive, Tewantin. This is a new event on our calendar, with Gail Bates the Tournament Director, and we would ask all players to support the tournament if at all possible. We thank the Tewantin Tennis Club for making their facilities available for the event which is expected to become a regular fixture in future.


It is sad to report the passing of four stalwarts of the Queensland tennis community during the year namely, Ted Grigson, one of the founders of Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club and its first President, Bernard Pinto, a Queensland and Australian representative player formerly from Sri Lanka and was a Brisbane resident, John Byrne, a well respected coach and player also from Brisbane and Harold Whillans originally from Brisbane who was resident in Hong Kong when he died. Tributes to these people have been or will be included in the newsletters or published on the web in due course and I extend my sincere sympathy to their families.


Our financial position is sound and Graham Brown will make appropriate comments on this at the Annual General Meeting. During the year we, as an Executive, have provided financial support and assistance to all clubs organising tournaments, we have continued our contribution towards travel expenses for tournament competitors from distant places and we have maintained our financial contribution to our Australian representative players who leave soon for Turkey. (For the information of those players considering nominating for selection in Australian teams to travel to the World Titles next year there could be a more favourable and substantial contribution towards their travel expenses available from TSA!!!)


On behalf of the Executive I wish to thank our Queensland Selectors for their work during the year. This is a difficult and time consuming job and the panel of Ladies:- Ros Hand ,Joy Rigter and Donna Walker and Men:- Neil Higgins, Lee Taylor and Wally Teis are to be congratulated for their efforts.


Ian Somers, our web master, has maintained TSQ’s site very efficiently throughout the year. The site is the envy of all other States and it is regarded as “The Best” by all who use it. Ian has been helping TSA with their site too and his work and skills are appreciated by all.


I would like to thank the members of our Executive for the guidance they have given me during the year and for all the hard work they have undertaken on our member’s behalf. Graham Brown has carefully watched our finances, Coral Vickers has attended to everything as our Secretary, Alan Hocking has handled most of the procedural duties and Gail Bates has worked very hard as Tournament Director for our State ITF tournaments and on all sorts of other ranking lists for our State and for Tennis Seniors Australia as well. Thank you to Hazel, Neville, Helen and Max for helping out too and supporting your husbands and wives while they do so much for our Members.


In conclusion I would like to extend my sympathy to all those members who have lost parents, husbands, wives, partners, relatives or children in the past year
