

There are a number of tournaments held in the NT that are available to adults.  Most are not exclusively for adults such as the Australian Money Tournaments (AMT) which attract a number of high level juniors, but are provided on this page because they are the type of tournament that a number of adults will enjoy.  These range from the ultra competitive NT OPEN that attracts elite players from all over Australia to the social Masters Games in Alice springs and social events held by Tennis Seniors NT from time to time.  Note that the Tournaments on this page may have been affected by COVID 19.

These tournaments are provided by a range of different providers and there is no calendar that covers them all.  The purpose of this page is to bring all of the various sources of information to one location for you.  There is the potential for tournaments to change quickly and it is better to provide links to the sources than to attempt to produce an accurate calendar.

UTR Tournamaents - The clubs are running UTR tournaments in the top end this dry. Universal Tennis Ranking (UTR) tournaments are a great way for players to play multiple competitive matches against opponents of similar ability.

For Information on the tournaments click here to go to the My UTR Website

NT Open and Darwin Open - Australian Money Tournaments attract large numbers of players from interstate.  In the 2018 NT Open no Territory player was selected for the main draw (they all required to play a qualification Tournament). Suitable for highly competitive players.

Regional Opens - Alice Springs, Gardens, Palmerston, Katherine, etc.  These Australian Money Tournaments attract the best players in the Territory as well as other local players.  The Bronze level of these events does not attract the large number of interstate players that the NT Open attracts.  Suitable for all competitive players as there is usually a first round losers plate.

For Information on the tournaments click here to go to the Tennis Australia calendar

NT International Seniors Championships -  This is an ITF tournament that can earn you a world ranking but don't be too intimidated.  You will be placed in an event based on age and made up mostly from local players.  Being a lower ranked tournament and the fact that it is held in Darwin in the dry ensures this tournament has a good social vibe.  There should also be some social level events held as well.  Suitable for players 30 and older.  click here to go to the ITF calendar

Alice Springs Masters Games -  One of the great social sporting events the Alice Springs Masters Games attracts players of a large range of abilities.  Well organized tennis and social events.  Suitable for all players 35 and older.  click here to go to the masters games website

TSA Ranking Tournaments -  This is a Ranking Tournament for Seniors in Australia.  It is an aged based tournament for social and competative players.  Points earned in this tournament do not impact on international rankings and so an ITF IPIN registration is not required. For players 30 and over.